Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Manufacturing a Muse/Mentor

I won't say writer's block has finally settled down in full on me at this point in trying to blog every day, because honestly it's probably more a result of laziness that I'm less jazzed about writing a big ol' post in the last few days, as Monday's post might have indicated.

As such, I took it upon myself to create a muse and/or mentor this morning while I was waking up and half-awake because I made plans too early (and yes, my "early" plans were at 11:30,  but early is relative so whatever). I didn't realize this at the time, but I certainly did at 5 PM when I was like, "alright, let's get today's damn blog done," followed by grumbling and watching a few videos on Youtube.

Anyways, here he is:

He currently is chilling in my desk drawer, positioned at an angle where his thoughtful/intense gaze is positioned to either look at me disapprovingly for not having written my blog that day or his eyes are looking up and into space, so I can imagine that if he were real, he'd tell me something profound and cryptic, such as "I'm still surprised that this cement ditch is what we call a river in these parts," which would hopefully jar my brain onto some profound stuff about cities and whatnot.

But since I drew him today, I'll worry about the things he has to say tomorrow. Creating a mentor from a doodle is enough creative energy spent for a Tuesday, and I didn't even have time to give him a background. I'm feeling pretty tired right now, so maybe I'll do that while I'm half-way into nap territory.

That or think of a name for this guy.

By the by, I mentioned a while back that I might start trying to incorporate drawing or comics and stuff into this blog, and this is me kind of trying to segue into that. You, kind readership, have the power of stopping this by saying my drawings are boring.

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