Thursday, February 24, 2011


So that vomit outside my apartment I joked about last night got decidedly unfunny today when I found out that some of it was splattered on my car. Why my car and parking spot were the chosen spot for heaps of vomit in different areas on and around my car, I'll never know.

What I do know now is that it is very hard to find a simple automatic car wash in the city. There aren't any simple one stop, put in seven dollars and get everything cleaned and dry places in the city, it seems. There's always a catch, and I'm not one for catches.

Anyway, this has all put me in a fairly bad mood, which severely inhibited upon me writing something of significance today*. So I'm going to leave you with this, and spare you of me just being in a bad mood and bitching about being inconsiderate with choice of vomiting-locations.

Also, "Community" is about to come on, so I wanna watch that instead of write.

Good evening.

*That and getting sidetracked by the Bulls-Heat game

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