Sunday, January 16, 2011

Memory Lane

Talking about the Miami Vice trailer yesterday made me think of trailers that were similar (cool or douche-y, depending on how much you enjoyed the Duplass Brothers) that did not disappoint when the actual viewing of the movie was involved.

Sin City popped into my mind right quick.

I first saw this while watching a mediocre movie that I can't remember. I did that a lot when I was young because a lot of my friends were busy having social lives and girlfriends (and to be fair, that hasn't changed much, but Netflix has revolutionized the art of being lonely). I think part of the reason I don't remember the actual movie very well was because I was so jazzed about that one trailer for the next several hours, which became the next several weeks, which became the moment until the movie came out.

I got my first traffic ticket the day of the midnight showing. I was only sixteen, so getting a ticket for something I could barely explain (using the shoulder of a road to turn right, which at least 100 people do every day) was about as embarrassing as having to drag my mom to a midnight showing of a movie dedicated to violence and boobies.

But by the end of the movie, I did not care about any of that. I just cared about how badass it was, and how I could convince my friends to stop talking to girls and see the movie so I could see it again.

Not to sound corny, but movies can really do a lot to turn a bad day around. I won't use the word "transport you to another world," but you can infer that's what I'm getting at.

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