Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Watch Trailers I Don't Like

Out of morbid curiosity, I oftentimes will watch trailers I know will be absolutely terrible. The most consistent source of terrible movie trailers comes from Adam Sandler films. On that note, here's the first trailer for his latest movie:

I only mention it because of the commercials for the same movie I just saw on the football game. It's an interesting case of studios realizing they made a movie about a complete douchebag, and want to change the perception of the entire film to appeal to a larger audience.

Now, instead of a douche who pretends to be married so he can have numerous affairs and then enlists his best friend (played by Jennifer Aniston, so you already know how this movie is ending) and her children to pull an elaborate ruse over the ridiculously cookie-cutter hot girl that he apparently "loves," it's now about a guy in love with a girl who pretends to have kids to win her over. Because that makes total sense in every aspect.

Will that work? You tell me. Also, I'm sorry if you actually watched the trailer. I didn't want to write much today.

(Author's Note: Though I disapprove of latter-day Sandler, his early movies are still good, and Punch-Drunk Love still ranks as one of my favoritest movies ever)

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